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Shop our sweet Baby Clothing Collection


Shop the Comfiest Sweatshirts


Shop our Sweet Mommy & Me Sets


Shop our Cool & Trendy Toddler Collection


Our Story

Hi there!  We are the Walkers! Mama Rosi, Dada Matt, Noah, James, our little miracle girl: Olivia Grace and Puddles - our puppy daughter. Together, our family makes up Shake and Shine Shop! 


We started Shake and Shine Shop for 3 big reasons:

1. Rosi and I wanted to find a way we could all stay together and raise our family. No moments missed and every moment enjoyed.

2. We wanted to impact the world. We have grown tired and frustrated seeing the Christian faith take a back seat for the past few years. We wanted to find a way to counteract all of that with the love of Jesus.

To us, there was not better way to do that than to have a beautiful message on a t-shirt. A shirt that can go places we can’t.

We want our christian shirts to have no limitations as they enter grocery stores, schools, malls, and all around the world. Our desire is for everyone from everywhere to see the love of Jesus. 

3. We wanted to inspire our kids to find their own way of impacting the Kingdom. As they grow up and watch mama and dada run the family business, they will see that EVERYONE is treated with respect and love.


They will read story after story about how a simple shirt was a blessing to a family because the Living Word of God can do miracles…even through a t-shirt! Their imaginations will overflow with creative possibilities and ways they can surpass our own works for the Kingdom.  



We are not out to be the biggest, the greatest, or the wealthiest. Our desire is to change the game and help Christians be proud of their King.

We want everyone to wear it loud and wear it proud. From the outside of our shirt to the inside of our heart, let’s show everyone the love of Jesus together!